6 ways to get rid of ingrown hair 5

6 Ways To Eliminate Ingrown Hairs that work

When we see an ingrown hair the first thing we want to do is remove it, but before making any decision it is better to know a little about the skin. Find out some important facts about ingrown hairs.

The Ingrown hairs are those that, during its growth, the tip penetrates in the skin, not being able to leave correctly and often producing an inflammation. How awful!

The ingrown hairs, besides being annoying, are unsightly and are difficult to remove. However, there are certain strategies to eliminate them that are really effective. Today, we will show you how to do it.

Ingrown Hairs Facts

  • Appear where you shave

Ingrown hairs may appear on the entire skin, but appear more frequently in common areas of shaving, such as the bikini line, legs, armpits, and in the case of men on the chin. Monitor these places to eliminate these uncomfortable hairs immediately.

Also, Think of the method of hair removal that gives you ingrown hair and try to avoid it.

6 Ways To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair 1
Img- source : https://www.thesun.co.uk
  • Causes bumps on the skin

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    Img-Source : http://www.livestrong.com

In many cases, ingrown hairs produce bumps on the skin, usually with the appearance of red lumps because the hair has grown under the skin even though the hair may be seen under the lump. In the case of men if the hair is growing under the skin, it may can cause shaving pimple on the chin. Although, not all the bumps are because of ingrown hair.

  • They are benign

The ingrown hairs are uncomfortable but not harmful in most cases. An ingrown hair will not affect your health in any way.

  • They are common on dark skin

There is still no complete understanding of why people with dark skin are more likely to have ingrown hairs, but it is said that the type of curly and thicker hair is the cause.

  • Can cause infections

Generally ingrown hairs are solved by themselves, but when they do not disappear can cause infections: it will not be serious but it is painful. Understanding what is happening on your skin can help you give the correct assistance, if you notice that an ingrown hair is red or swollen you should see the doctor.

  •  There are a variety of treatments

You can use topical creams that are formulated for these cases, these can be obtained in pharmacies. There are also laser treatments, but you should talk to a doctor first to tell you which treatment is right for you. You can also try DIY Hair removal scrub for Ingrown hairs.

  • You can prevent them

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    Img- Source : http://www.epilatorcentral.com

You can prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs if you avoid very aggressive shaving, when you shave try not to put much force on the razor so you do not scratch the skin, use a mirror to check that you do it well and carefully, remember that your skin should Be treated gently.

Eliminate Ingrown Hairs

  1. Prepare your skin

Before shaving with a razor, it is best to take a shower or a hot water bath, as the steam helps soften the hair to make it much easier to remove. You can even try to gently exfoliate your skin to rid it of dead cells, to get a much cleaner shave and no red hair.

It is said that both waxing and blade removal are the worst methods for this type of problem.

  1.  Avoid tight clothing.

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    Img-Source : https://d24bnpykhxwj9p.cloudfront.net

While tight clothing is very sexy, sometimes it is not good to use it, especially when you have red hair. Because the friction and pressure that the garments exert on the hair follicle make the hairs more likely to grow down, rather than in the normal way. Choose loose clothing and soft fabrics, your skin will thank you.

  1. Treat it like a grain

The ingrown hair is like a pimple, and may even become infected and be very painful. When you notice its appearance, apply a little benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid several times a day. If you combine it with the daily exfoliation, the swelling will be reduced, giving rise to hair to grow.

  1. Use a warm compress
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Img-Source : https://www.remediesandherbs.com

If you can see the ingrown hair embedded in your skin, place a warm compress on it to soften and relieve irritation. If you do this for two or three minutes several times a day, you will see how the red bump on your skin gradually disappears.

  1. Moisturize your skin daily

Apply moisturizing cream daily: it will soften your skin and keep it smooth allowing hair to grow up and not ingrown. Use natural elements like cocoa butter or Shea butter and you will see how the ingrown hairs will disappear forever.

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Img-Source: http://www.epilatorhome.com/

Once a week, make an exfoliation that you can do comfortably at home with a spoonful of salt or sugar that you will mix with two of your usual moisturizing milk.

In addition, every day you must provide the skin with the necessary hydration.

  1. Uses soft products

Avoid the use of cosmetics with alcohol that dry the skin a lot, as they predispose to the appearance of ingrown hairs. Replace them with shower gels or mild soaps and also avoid using very hot water, because you will only irritate your skin.

Final Words

Have you ever had ingrown hair? If you have had it or you have it, do not worry! Now you know accurate and curious data about them that will allow you to make the best decisions for the care of your skin, especially remember not to shave abruptly and visit the doctor in case they cause pain or inflammation.

With a little insistence, we will be able to prevent and eliminate once and for all the undesirable Ingrown hairs.

As you will see, removing ingrown hairs is not very difficult, just follow these tips and you will surely succeed. Tell us, do you have any other tip to share? Do not stop writing.


Post Author : Veronika Anderson


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