RAY Natural Sweetner and Cooking Spray
Health,  LifeStyle,  Review

RAY Natural Sweet Stevia Extracts & Cooking Spray : Review

OIL & SUGAR are the biggest culprits that you would want to avoid to watch your weight and keep yourself healthy. It’s not practical to avoid sugar & oil altogether. To eliminate these two ingredients from your daily food items, you might have to sacrifice your taste & eating habits too. Not every one can eliminate sugar and oil from her diet. Even basic food needs these ingredients to get cooked. How can one escape using SUGAR & OIL?

RAY brings a ray of hope for all those calorie conscious people who watch what they eat. Ray SUGAR is a natural sweetener which contains Stevia Extracts while Ray Cooking Spray is made of Rice Bran Oil without the added calories of the oil. The products are natural and safe without compromising the taste of your food items. Today you will be learning about two great products, which I think is the necessity of daily life. In long run these products proves to be great investment in terms of health and worth.

RAY SUGAR Natural Sweet Stevia Extracts

Ray SUGAR Natural Sweet Stevia  Extract
Ray SUGAR Natural Sweet Stevia Extract
RAY Natural Sweetner Packaging
RAY Natural Sweetner Packaging
Fine Textured Natural Sweetner by RAY
Fine Textured Natural Sweetner by RAY
Enjoy natural sweetner in your tea
Enjoy natural sweetner in your tea

The brand RAY is focused on to bringing healthy lifestyle through it’s innovative products. RAY SUGAR is a sugar substitute which can be used in almost every food preparation and to sweeten beverages. The sweetener is made from Stevia extracts.

Stevia is extracted from Stevia plant which is naturally sweet. The plants has ZERO Calories & Glycemic Index which makes it a great choice for those people who have diabetes. Ray SUGAR is an ideal substitute for your daily sugar cravings. One sachet of Ray SUGAR gives sweetness of two spoons of sugar. Priced at Rs. 210 for 40 gms, the sugar substitute does not pinch your pocket too.

I really like the packaging of the sweetener. The sweetener comes packed in sachets which are easy to be carried even in hand bag while I am travelling. So I don’t have to compromise with my health even while I am away from home.

RAY Cooking Spray With Rice Bran Oil

RAY Cooking Spray
RAY Cooking Spray
RAY Cooking Spray Nutritional Facts
RAY Cooking Spray Nutritional Facts
RAY Cooking Spreay
RAY Cooking Spray

Cooking oil is inevitable in every kitchen. Cooking can’t be done without cooking oil. We can’t imagine our daily meals without a cooking oil. We might try reducing the quantity used in the cooking process but that definitely changes the richness of the food. But cooking oil is loaded with calories too.

RAY Cooking Oil which is made from Refined Rice Bran Oil, is an innovative product to replace your cooking oil in your kitchen. This cooking spray is first of it’s kind that I have ever come across. I tried it the very moment I received it in my mail because it is such an easy way to get rid of those unwanted calories that your cooking oil adds to your meals. 1 can of Ray Cooking oil can replace 2.4 L of oil. Can you imagine how much easy it gets on your pocket?

Packed in a tin bottle of 200 ml with a spray at top, it’s convenient to be used in kitchen. Just spray this oil into the pan from a distance of  about 10 inches while the gas stove is still off. Carry on with your cooking the usual way and serve the dishes with love. There is no change in the taste of the dishes when made with Ray Cooking Spray. The cooking spray is priced at Rs. 250.

The only change you will see is your waistline which will look beautiful as you always wanted.


I think such products really make a difference to your life because these are thoughtfully created. Ray SUGAR & Cooking Spray can really be your buddies if you are conscious about your health. Do give them a try.


Much Love,

Nisha ❤


  • Deborah Miranda

    I definitely need to try this cooking oil spray. Have seen these available abroad but now since they are available in India i surely need it!!
    IG @deborahnmiranda

  • Ishieta

    I have only seen these on cookery shows. need to try this out, i like the idea of the ease of adding oil in small quantities to the cooking.

  • Jhilmil Bhansali

    Great products from Ray, the cooking oil spray seems to be innovative for sure. #alexatheincredible

  • Dipika Singh

    The products from RAY are really awesome, I am definitely sold for Oil Spary. #AlexaTheIncredible #womenbloggerwb

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