Guest Post By Nisha Singh
Wrinkles are one of the scariest dreams for a woman, especially in younger age. Under eyes skin is thin and soft, so, hence it is prone to get wrinkles. Some people suffer from large, deep lines on the outer edge of eye also known as Crow feet and laughter lines. This may be due to stress full modern lifestyle like late night work on laptop/PC, continuous use of mobiles, low protein intake, continuous pressure on domestic and professional front etc.
While going through a tight schedule, this scary dream of mine came true 7 months ago. I madly searched for its cure i.e. creams, natural eye packs, serums but I found they all have some demerits like chemical agents, high costs and time taking. Then a physiotherapist friend suggest me some exercises to remove these lines. I found it easy and working after continuous use.
So, for the pretty angles of this blog I’m writing some easy to do exercise to remove under eye wrinkles.
To and Fro Exercise

Close your eyes and put the index fingers horizontally under each eye and move it from inward to outward. Repeat it for ten seconds it will increase blood flow and will feed the tissue.
Shifting Eye Exercise
Firstly stand or sit still then look at your right then left following up and down without moving head, face and neck. Next is to close eyes for 4-5 seconds and repeat it. Then, open your eyes wide focusing on a point in front of you and take 5 deep breaths (without stressing eyebrows). Now close your eyes for relax and repeat the same for 5-10 times.
The O Exercise

Make an ‘O’ shape with your lips while covering the teeth with lips. Then, put the index fingers under the eyes and look upward, flutter the eye lashes as well. Keep this for 20-30 seconds.
The Sandwich Exercise

Make a sandwich by placing middle fingers on inner and index fingers on outer corner of eyes. Put some pressure with fingers and look at the roof while moving the lower eyelid up then make a squint. Now relax, repeat this exercise firstly 2 times then increase by 4/6 times as it is little difficult to do. After that, shut your eyes tightly for 10-15 seconds.
Circle Exercise

Place the index fingers at the corner of your eyebrows and close the eyes. Now start tapping from top to under eye and then repeat in the opposite manner. While doing it keep in mind the tapping should be soft. Repeat it six times.
Eyebrow Stretch Exercise
Close your eyes and move your eyebrows as up as you can do without making forehead lines. Hold it upto 10 seconds then relax. Repeat it 5-10 times as your comfort. This exercise will make eye muscles stronger.
If anyone of you/ your friends got under eye wrinkles problem I suggest doing these exercises for a month continuously. It will take 20 minutes (hardly) a day and forget all those line. These exercises not only erase the wrinkles but also make skin smoother and glowing as they increase blood flow. So, help skin to produce more collagen ‘the beauty protein’. By doing these you can also get rid of dark circles and puffy eyes which are also often seen and you will have beautiful big eyes.
Do try some of these exercises, I hope you will see a difference.
Take Care. XOXO
Avanti Singla
this is smthing new on the blog… like it
good job 🙂
Nisha Malik
Thanks Avanti. Trying to be multi dimensional 🙂
Avanti Singla
all the best (Y)
new and nice 🙂 🙂
Nisha Malik
Thanks Pooja. Glad you guys liked it.
Sreeparna Ganguly
Liked reading 🙂 Nice post Nisha 🙂
good stuff 🙂