failed attempt at glitter 7
AlmaLibre,  Makeup

A Glittery Failed Attempt

Okay, before you raise your eye brows I must tell you this is my very first attempt to put loose glitter on my eyes. It was very tricky. I just did not really think how am supposed to proceed with the application and I just started putting it and it got messy.

failed attempt at glitter 2
I have such a flat face… 🙁

failed attempt at glitter 7
failed attempt at glitter 3glittery eyes

The reason why I failed the look?

I started by mixing the glitter with some moisturiser. I really had a hard time in putting up the glitter this way. The glitter stuck on the brush I was applying the glitter with. So the application on one eye lid was very uneven.

Before putting on the glitter on my second eye, I layered my eye lid with little moisturiser and then put a layer of glitter on it, viola. It came out fine.So I am going to try this technique and promise for a decent #LOTD with glitters very soon.

P.S. Sorry for the crappy pictures. The lighting was poor. I was just trying out, and later realised, I should show this failed look to you, in case you have better suggestions.

So do you have some suggestions?


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