organisation tips

6 Awesome Closet Organization Tips for Not-So-Organized Ladies

Hello Girls!

Today I am going to share some tried and tested closet organizing tips for those who are of not-so-organized type. Being a lazy person myself, I have faced tons of unorganized closet problems earlier. It felt like a nightmare when it involved finding out the correct item from my closet at the correct time. If you never had this bad habit of keeping messy closets you can never imagine how horrible a closet can be! Well, over the last few years I have been able to change my savage-closet habits into a slightly civilized one with the help of these tiny tips. Hope they would help you as well! So, what’s more? Enjoy reading.

Declutter Regularly

Regular decluttering is a must-do step to get your precious vanity items sorted all the time in your closet. It helps to get an actual idea of the items you have so that you do not end up buying same item over and over plus your clothes will get laundered properly. If you have to share your closet space with others, this step will prevent the unwanted mixing ups as well.

Declutter stuff


It is much better to have a shelved closet rather than an empty space inside your wardrobe or closet because it is way easier to find something quickly at the time of need. If you do not have separations in your closet, no need to go for permanent separation at first. Just divide the closet area into smaller compartments using plastic boxes, re-attachable shelves or any other mediums of separation for better use of your space. You will experience the advantage in few days for sure!

compartmental organisation

Prioritize According to Need

In spite of having an organized closed majority of times we face the problem of ‘not-finding’ things just because things are not sorted according to their priority. So, you should set priorities for every item you decide to put inside of your wardrobe whole organizing and place them according to it. For example, if you are an office-goer, the dailywears and nightwears should be the most reachable clothing items. The same should happen with the daily use makeup items, shoes and jewelries as well. This way your closet will stay organized for longer as the frequent time consuming doings and undoings will be automatically prevented.

Toss the Unused

Getting rid of unused and worn out items from your wardrobe at regular intervals is extremely important to have organized closet. All of us have limited closet space and to make way for new buys old ones must go. So, try not to attach emotional values to each piece of your tangible wardrobe items next time you get something new. Every one of us has something or other nostalgic items. It is better to allot separate space for those closer to your heart things.

donate unused

Use Clear Boxes for Shoes, Jewellery & Undergarments

There are certain closet items that cannot be kept with their other matches that summed up together complete a look. For example, you cannot store your shoes or jewelries along with the dresses you want to wear with. The same thing happens with your undergarments unless you have a real big collection of them! But, it is crucial to find the right neckpiece or the right shoe at the time of need or it may ruin the whole look. For this, you can make use of transparent boxes. It will make your life a lot easier when you are running late for some event.

clear boxes for storage

Store Away the Excess

When you have excess of clothes or other items in your closet, it becomes difficult and tedious to organize those in one go. On top of that, it creates a mess at your vanity. To get rid of this unwanted trouble, limit the items you have in your closet. The best way to do this is to set maximum number of Items you will have in each category and pack away the excess. Make sure to keep all the essentials and a few excess. Keep rotating the stored away items with the current items every time you declutter the closet to ensure the optimal use of every piece of your wardrobe item.

Do you like my tips of organizing closets? Share in the comments below.
