How to reduce belly fat
Health,  LifeStyle

With these 6 wonderful tips, say goodbye to belly fat!

8 out of 10 people have this secret question to get answered, how to reduce belly fat? These 8 people might be men/women, doesn’t matter. Desk life has literally changed the normal functioning of human anatomy. We are kind of mutating into a new form with bellies sticking out. Not a good sight, I know. I know, because I have one.

I won’t tell you to join a gym or practice Yoga, because you already might be doing that. Yet you might not have lost all the fat from your belly. Why is that? Apparently, belly fat would be the last thing to melt after you start exercising. Our seating posture, eating habits, and/or sleep pattern might make it more difficult to reduce belly fat easily.

I am sharing some offbeat yet highly effective tips that will help you to tone down your abdominal area.

1. Chew until you can drink your food

This might take a little while to get accustomed to but it works. It also helps you with portion control. Make sure you chew every bite of your food 20-30 times before swallowing it. Here is my trick. Just assume every bite of food is the last bite and you want to take the maximum taste out of it. And slowly you will master the art.

You will get the best nutrition out of your food which will help you digest your food quickly. It will give enough time to your mind to signal your body that you are done eating.

2. Engage Your Stomach Before You Walk

If you like to walk, be it for work or pleasure, just suck your stomach in, that will really engage all the loosen up and pushed put stomach muscles. It will burn your belly fat and help you get a flatter stomach with time.

3. Lie Down On Your Stomach More Frequently

If you just like to scroll through Instagram or chat with a friend lying in your bed, just roll onto your stomach and then do it. It is kind of a modified cobra pose and still very effective You can also raise your legs and kick your butt(no pun intended), accelerating the process. This pose really helps to strengthen your stomach muscles and to burn your belly fat.

4. Get That Posture Right

If you are hunching on your desk right now and just thinking about how to reduce belly fat, just get rid of that bad posture first. If you sit, stand, or walk upright you lose more calories every minute. So with just the right posture, you can burn more calories. Correcting your posture takes time but by the time you eventually make it a habit,

5. Enjoy More Citric Fruits & Drinks

Citric fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemon, etc. are really helpful to cut down belly fat. Make sure you regularly intake citric fruits or juices. Like lemon water can give very quick and effective results within 2 weeks. Drink lukewarm lemon water(without sugar) early morning on empty stomach and you will be amazed at the results and you won’t be asking anymore how to reduce belly fat?

6. Micro Seeds Are Magical

In your quest to know how to reduce belly fat, micro seeds can really help. Chia seeds, garden cress seeds, flax seeds, etc., can really make a huge difference to your digestion, calorie deposition, and your overall wellbeing. Make sure to munch on these micro seeds, whenever odd time hunger pangs attack your stomach. These seeds will not only take care of your cravings but will also provide nutrition to your body.

So stop wondering how to reduce belly fat and just adopt these little things in your daily life. These tips are small yet easy to act on and give a very nice result. Are you already doing something that is small yet highly effective? Share in the comment section.


Nisha Malik ❤

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