• How To Wear Collars With Short Neck Chubby Cheeks
    Fashion,  Guide,  LifeStyle

    How To You Wear Collars With A Round Face, Chubby Cheeks & Short Neck?

    Shirts and collared tunics look super appealing. A shirt is the most proffered apparel for semi formal to formal looks. But If you have chubby cheeks/full face or round face, collars might not look as flattering on you as you think. The problem worsens if your neck is short too. Sorry for bursting your bubble, but yes I found out this was true for me. I have chubby cheeks, a round face with short neck and heavy shoulder frame. Shirts, my most preferable attire for office, never flattered my face as much as it did my waistline back then. I never could figure out the reason why shirts never suit…