May is over and I missed my monthly empties post. So I am awake right now at 1.30 a.m. to prepare the list and share it with you. It’s important for me, to keep a journal of my empty stuff. This monthly post motivates me to finish stuff at hand even if I am bored of using it. This month, I managed to finish a lot of products. So it was important to put this post up here.

If you are with me from a while, you must be already aware of the fact that I prefer using Vitamin C serums & night creams. Vitamin C based products help my skin to diminish scars left behind by acne while giving anti ageing effects. O3+ Agelock Vitamin C Booster Serum is a great night serum (do not use it during day time), for the effect that it gives to my skin with out breaking it out. It helps to achieve a clearer skin within few days. But one has to stop using it a bit in between, other wise skin gets used to it & it stops working. I am currently breaking off with this serum and using Garnier White Night Cream only.
Rose water is a very essential element in skin care. You can use it as toner, in a mask or as a mist. It is multi usage product. I like to use Patanjali Gulab Jal/Rose Water. Though I have never really thought about the effects that it gives to my skin, I just find it economical.
I bought Za Perfect Solution Youth Whitening Serum during last winter, because it is a great day serum that moisturizes skin while giving brightening effect. Not purchasing it any time soon, since my skin do not need that much moisture now.
Patanjali Soundrya Aloe Vera Gel is already famous in a short span of time. It is as popular as it’s original version. I have already got a bigger tube of this aloe vera gel.

I have heard a lot of Neem’s effect to clear out acne. Neem is a good blood purifier. I spotted Patanjali Neem Ghanvati at a local store few months back, I picked it up. It is advised to take one tablet twice a day daily. I am quite regular with this tablet which smells & tastes like actual Neem, but I have not noticed any measurable change in acne breakouts or skin complexion. Guess I am not getting it again.

Pond’s Triple Vitamin Moisturizing Lotion is a very old body lotion. It makes me feel Nostalgic. I remember my mom started using it first. It smell very good & reminds me of her, while I am away from her. It is a heavy duty body lotion and mainly suitable for winter & dry skin. I get this every winter.

My current favorite eye cream is Oriflame Optimals White Seeing Is Believing. It is an effective, budget friendly, light textured & fast absorbing eye cream. Though it can not miraculously erase dark circles, but it helps to brighten the eye area & minimize fine lines under eyes. I have numerous small glass pots of this eye cream, which I just can’t throw into the trash bin.

Maybelline Baby Lips is one of the best lip balm. Every girl has some of them. I too have got few & managed to finish Wow Candy Raspberry flavor by the end of the month.
I also managed to finish Maybelline Gel Liner in Black which is a renowned gel liner and favorite of all girls.
I did not use Incolor Lovers Rough Lipstick much, but my son used it as his crayon. He literally drew things with this lipstick & the lipstick met it’s fate.

I don’t generally use blush/cheek stain. I got this cheek stain, from City Color in one of my Fab Bag edition last year. I have used it few times, it is good in color & texture but little low at color pay off. Not purchasing it again.
This concludes my empties post for May 2017. I hope you too somehow find my post motivating to finish your stuff instead of it occupying storage in your dresser. Make space in your cabinet for new stuff by using the old one first.
Let me know how much products do you manage to finish by the end of every month?