Hey Girls,
How about making a tea light candle holder out of your unused glass jar. Being beauty junky, I buy lots of stuff, and some only because they had beautiful packaging. I never through an empty container, I just can’t. I have huge boxes filled with empty jars and containers. I always feel like I can recycle them. I can use them anyhow. Actually it’s true. There had been times, when I really needed to use some old container. And that’s when I thanked myself.
So today, I will be using a long stored glass jar. Remember how much I loved, Botanic Love Acne Mask ? After I used up all the face mask, I saved this cute little jar. It’s adorable. I could have used it in many ways. I could have put some colorful marbles and it would have attracted attention. But I planned to use it some other way.
I chose this glass jar to make a cool tea light candle holder. Tea light candles are very small and they tend to look very basic if not arranged in a special way. A candle holder actually multiplies the beauty of a candle. When it comes to teal light candles, you just can’t ignore a beautiful holder.
What You Need To Make A Tea Light Candle Holder

There are numerous ways you can make a candle light holder. I am going to share a very quick tutorial. A very simple way, because I like it to be simple yet mesmerizing. You don’t need much things. Most of the things are very much subjective to your choice & their availability.
A Clean Glass Jar

A glass jar, be it of any size is the most basic requirement, because you want your candle to be shown through the container. A mason jar is an ideal choice. But even a glass wine would work just fine. I cleaned the empty jar of Botanic Love Face Mask thoroughly and it was ready to serve me very well.
Colorful Bath Salt / Marbles / Sand

Next thing in the list is something that you can use to fill up the jar with. You can use as basic as sand, stones, marbles, basically any thing that serves the purpose well. I opted for Soul Flower Germanium Bath Salt because it smells heavenly. It kind of pumps up the ambiance. The beautiful rich pink color of the bath salt adds charm to the jar.
Tea Light Candles

You need to decide how many candles you want to put inside your jar. It depends upon the size of the jar. If you are using a big mason jar, it can hold more than one candle. My jar is very small, so I opted for single candle.
A String (Optional)
I wanted my glass jar to hang in my balcony and so I arranged for a decorative string. In case you want the holder to lay on a flat surface you don’t need this string.
How To Make Tea Light Candle Holder At Home Easily
- Pour bath salt/ sand / marbles/ stones in your pre cleaned glass jar till the jar is 3/4 full.
- Place your tea light candles over the base.
- If you want to hang your holder, wrap the string around the neck of the jar and secure it with few knots.
- Lay or hang your holder wherever you want it.
- Lit the candle and enjoy the beauty of night.

Quick Tip: You can also add glittery particles to the base that you are using to fill your jar. Run your imagination and see some real magic happen.
Much Love.
Nisha ❤
One Comment
Sam sheokand
I love this post, I have been saving glass containers, now I know what to do with them thanks dear, lovely post