Insomnia, is not something new to millennial people. We have such stressful and packed lifestyle, sound sleep has taken a back seat. I feel, we just get about 6-ish hours of sleep and we assume we are sleeping enough. Some of us are really organized in our lives, achieving daily goals while some just are scrolling though their Instagram feed while they should be sleeping. Even if you decide one night to go to bed early and really have that sound sleep, you might be counting sheep at 2 AM. Welcome to the Insomniac Club, and it’s not a party hub.
What Is Insomnia?
Insomnia is a sleep disorder leading you to face trouble to fall sleep or staying asleep. It could be a short term or a long term – an acute or chronic disorder. Acute insomnia refers to the condition when you face trouble sleeping one night to several weeks. If the condition continues from weeks to several months. Sometimes, it can go away while it can reappear for no apparent reason.

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Types Of Insomnia
Acute Insomnia – This could be the early stage of this sleep disorder. At least, once every week if you face trouble sleeping for 3 weeks in a row, this is short term insomnia.
Chronic Insomnia – When your sleep disorder grows into weeks and lasts up to months, it could be termed as a long term or chronic insomnia.
Causes Of Insomnia
Stress – Lifestyle stress is the main factor causing
Unhealthy Lifestyle – Intake of caffeine, nicotine, alcohol after evening can stimulate mind and delay the sleep cycle. If you continue such unhealthy habits you are inviting insomnia.
Mental Disorder– Mental illness can cause insomnia. Sometimes Insomnia is a symptom of a mental disorder.
Illness – Chronic illness such as heart diseases, diabetes, cancer etc. can disrupt sleep cycle leading to acute or chronic insomnia.
Medication- Long term medication can also lead to insomnia.
Sleep Pattern Change– If sleep pattern is disturbed due to some reasons continuously for few days, it could lead to short term insomnia.

Symptoms Of Insomnia
- Trouble falling sleep
- Trouble staying asleep
- Lack of quality sleep
- Waking up frequently.
- Waking up early
- Feeling un-rested after sleep
- Anxiety, Depression, Irritability.
Cure For Insomnia
- Lifestyle Changes– Goto bed early on same time every day. Eat healthy. Exercise daily. Avoid taking excessive tea, coffee, alcohol.
- Medidate daily or embrace Yoga to improve sleep quality
- Take Medical help if problem worsens or persist.
What Ayurveda Offers For Insomnia?
If you are looking for natural remedies to improve your sleep quality and cure insomnia, you should look into Ayurveda. There are certain herbs that can really help with Insomnia.
- A Glass of warm milk before you hit the bed.
- Ashwagandha – It helps to take down stress, anxiety and depression leading to a quite mind. It improves sleep quality and cures slepp disorders.
- Brahmi – Ayurveda calls Brahmi, brain tonic. It helps to calm down mind, improves concentration and alertness while promoting good sleep.
- Shankhpushpi – It soothes nervous system, takes away anxiety and improves sleep.
- Vatch – It helps to treat depression and eliminates sleep disorders.
- Gajwaan – Promotes quality sleep.
- Khurasin Ajwain – It induces sleep.
Nature Sure Somni Natural Sleep Aid is one product that combines all the wonderful and natural ingredients to treat insomnia in an effective way.

Nature Sure Somni Natural Sleep Aid
These are Ayurvedic tablets formulated with the ingredients suggested by Ayurveda to cure Insomnia and improve sleep quality. The tablets contain Brahmi, Shaknhpushpi, Vatch, Gajwaan, Khurasin Ajwain etc. to de-stress mind and nervous system inducing sleep. The causes of bad sleep quality could be anything, but these ingredients are highly efficient in curing Insomnia.
Price: INR 780 for 90 tablets. Buy at Amazon, Nature Sure

How To Consume Nature Sure Somni Tablets
These tablets are made of all natural and highly potent herbs and plants. No wonder they are highly effective in providing quick results. But must be taken as directed by your physician. You can take one to two tablets before going to bed.
In addition to taking these tablets, make good lifestyle changes. Include healthy food, exercise and music in your life. If you are a fond of books, try to read before bed time.

Disclaimer: This article is for information purpose only. Nature Sure Somni Tablets contain highly potent herbs. Pregnant ladies, lactating mothers and people with medical condition should avoid taking any Ayurvedic supplement by themselves.
Nisha Malik ❤
Such a great post. Loved it. I am one of those who do not sleep very well and this post has given me a lot of information. Thank you.
Anahita Irani
I always thought I suffered from insomnia but reading the symptoms in your post I should take it more seriously and get help.
Cindy Dsilva
For sure am forwarding this to people. It’s better when it comes from someone unknown to them. ?
Prakhar Kasera
I too have poor sleeping conditions. At times I am sleep deprived, mostly cz of the stress. I think I just might get nature sure tablets.
Mariyum Aaquib
I feel in today’s world the major cause of insomnia could be the excessive usage of mobile phones just before and until we are fast asleep we keep using the phone and then complain about a bad night.
Noor Anand Chawla
I was not aware of this Ayurvedic cure for insomnia. It sounds absolutely wonderful and I will check it out.
Ujjwal Mishra
Well researched article. People with trauma, deficiency of vitamin B12 are also the reasons of insomnia. Meditation helps.
Thanks for sharing so much information. I never knew about Ayurvedic cure.. Will surely try
This is such a wonderful product. My in laws are always complaining of less sleep and inability to sleep sometimes. Can I suggest this to them too?
Pallavi watermark
Insomnia is so very common these days .thanks for sharing the details..are these safe for consuming?
Rakesh Mishra
Really one of the best article
Pamela Mukherjee
Such a beautiful article on insomnia. After a long time read something very useful.
I never knew Ayurvedic has treatment for insomnia too.. Suffered it long time but now better