The most basic fact behind weight loss is the increased rate of metabolism. All the weight loss diets and exercises centers around increasing metabolism to aid weight loss. In Ayurveda, the metabolism is explained beautifully. The human body consists of seven dhatus, namely lymph, blood, muscle, fat, bones, nervous system and reproductive system. Obese people tend to get nourished excessively only by the meda dhatu (fat tissue) while the other six dhatus stay undernourished. This leads to an abnormal accumulation of kapha, which hampers fat metabolism. Such kapha dominant body types tend to easily gain excess weight but struggles to lose it.
Agnimantha & Shilajit – A Secret Formula To Weight Loss
Ayurveda, also suggests, how kapha-dominant body could be treated. Agnimantha and Shilajit are two ingredients that can aid in weight loss that you might be struggling with form ages.

Agnimantha(Clerodendrum Phlomidis), is a medicinal plant which has diuretic properties that cause frequent urination and result in weight loss. This plant also balances vata and kapha doshas. It provides relief from constipation and bloating. It is a rich source of flavonoids and alkaloids that improve digestion and increases metabolism while supplementing anti oxidant protection.
Agnimantha acts as an appetizer and digestive that promotes adequate assimilation of food. It reduces blood cholesterol levels and also combats abdominal heaviness, drowsiness and lethargy after meals.
Shilajit (Asphaltum Punjabianum) helps transporting nutrients deeply into the tissues, eliminates deep seated toxins and reduce chronic fatigue. Fulvic acid in Shilajit, effectively burns excess calories, and maintains teh optimal ebergy levels so that it doesn ot get converted into fat.
Shilajit is also rich in sevral bio active compunds, such as humins, humic acid, sterols, oxygenated dibenzo-alph-pyrones, triterpenes, aromatic carboxylic acids, phenolic acids, phospholipids and trace minerals. Shilajit is proven to protect liver and lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels. It is also enhances bio-availability of nutrients form other herbs.
Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula is a precise and carefully processed formulation of Agnimantha and Shilajit according to the ancient Indian System Of Medicine. The formula combines the power of herb and mineral. The powerful duo makes sure that no excess fat is stored in the body and is also well nourished with nutrients.
Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula
Obesity Is Not A Lifestyle Option for you. Not Worth Risking Your Health.
Being obese not only gives you low confidence about your appearance but also risks your health. Obesity of a major reason behind diabetes, hypertension, kidney and gall bladder problems, joint pain and arthritis, reduced sexual drive and psychological trauma. In women, obesity could lead to menstrual irregularities which are closely related to PCOS.

Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula regulates Jatharagni and prevents storage of excess fatty adipose tissue in the body. This herb and mineral compound has properties of bio-scraping, bio-enhancing, digestive, astringent and rejuvenation. It also neutralizes Kapha and Vata doshas. To have a healthy body you must balance your doshas, as you might be already knowing. A healthy body will have a perfect metabolism leading to a beautiful outer appearance.
Nature Sure Agnimantha weight loss formula targets obesity. It hits right on the main cause of obesity. The active ingredients of the formula work to destroy the unwanted fatty tissues stored in your body while providing nourishing the body to maintain the vital energy that you need throughout your entire day. When every part of your body receives nutrients in the required amount it functions in a better and healthy way.
Agnimantha and Shilajit, work great together to eliminate toxins from the body. The excess fatty tissue that is unwanted in your body, is eliminated as you pass urine. Gradually you notice your body’s metabolic rate has increased, your body does not store excess fat any more.
USP of Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula
- Prevents accumulation of excessive fatty tissue by regulating fat metabolism naturally.
- Eliminates metabolic toxins through renal pathway, supports cellular health
- Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.
- Unlocks energy and reduces chronic fatigue
- Increases bio availability and absorption of essential nutrients in the body
- Restores electro-chemical balance of the body necessary for fitness.
- Prevents disorders like insulin resistance, hypertension, blocked arteries, malfunction of lipid, kidney and gall bladder.
How To Use Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula

Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula is available in capsule form which could be easily swallowed with lukewarm water,
For optimum results, take two capsules before meals in the morning and evening or as directed by your physician.
Nature Sure suggests that you should adopt some healthy habits to live a healthy life such as :
- Avoid eating in excess or during indigestion.
- Sleep after at least an hour of dinner. As far as possible, avoid sleeping during the day.
- Avoid sedentary lifestyle and exercise regularly.
- Cut down on sweets, and artificial sugars like chocolates, ice creams and white sugar.
- Say no to refined carbs such as white flour, white bread and white rice.
- Avoid liquor, carbonated drinks, packaged fruit juices and processed foods.
- Drink water before meals. Avoid excess water intake immediately after meals.
- Switch to low fat or skimmed milk and dairy products.
- Minimize use of oil in cooking.
- Avoid fatty non vegetarian foods.
- Avoid stress as it makes you feel constantly hungry and crave for for sugar and fat rich foods.

Side Effects of Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula
Nature Sure Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula contains only two ingredients that are as according to Ayurevda and completely herbal. So this formula is completely safe to be used by those who find it really hard and struggling to shed some weight.
There are no potential side effects of the capsules, but in case you are already suffering form a medical condition, then you should consult your doctor before taking the supplement. Also children, pregnant ladies and lactating mothers, should avoid taking this supplement.
Ayurveda has answer to every health problem. You just need to seek and follow.
Will be back super soon,
Nisha Malik ❤
Sajid Akhter
Great bit of information. This post is very helpful and much needed. It is important to know our natural ingredients which are useful in so many ways.
Thanks for sharing, have a good day.
Noor Anand Chawla
Good to know about Agnimantha. I was not aware of this natural ingredient that can be used for effective weight loss. I will check out the product.
Amita Pandey
Thanks for sharing information about natural ingredient Agnimantha. Agnimantha Weight Loss Formula looks very effective. It will definitely helpful for maintain body weight.
Jhilmil D Saha
Wow, this is like a super informative article. I didn’t know about agnimantha. A natural product that guides in weight loss is surely something wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Is was fun learning about meda dhatu and other ayurveduc concepts behind weight loss. The nature sure agnimantha sounds promising! 🙂
Yogita Amit Joshi
This post comes in at right time.. I was struggling to loose the stubborn weight and this looks awesome n helpful in loosing weight.. Going to try asap