Zenith Nutrition Saw Palmetto Vegetarian Capsules are made from deep red berries from Saw palmetto. Saw palmetto, is a low growing palm tree with sharp, with saw like leaf stalks & berries. Zenith Nutrition brings a standardized extracts of its berries is combined with other nutrients for prostate support. Before you could understand the importance of prostate support, you need to know about the functions that prostate support.
What Is Prostate?
The prostate is a small, squishy Gland about the size of a walnut. It sits under the bladder and in front of the Rectum. The bladder holds your urine until you are ready to void, and is like a balloon that gets larger as it fills with urine. The prostate is not essential for life, but is important for reproduction. It supplies substances that facilitate fertilization and sperm transit and survival. The prostate is divided into several anatomic regions, or zones. Most prostate cancer develops from the peripheral zone (the back of the prostate) near the rectum.

What Is Prostate Cancer?
If you think prostate cancer happens only in men, you are wrong. even women can develop prostate cancer. It is rare though. Man are more subjected to the risk of developing prostate cancer. So what is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer develops in prostate gland when abnormal cells start to form. The cells start enlarging at an abnormal rate reaching an abnormal size. Till 50’s the cells are in place. But after that this slow streaming disease start to take place. About 80% of the old age men suffer from this disease while not even knowing about this. Prostate cancer starts with tiny alterations in the shape and size of the prostate gland cells – Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN). Doctors describe these prostate gland cell changes as low-grade or high-grade; high grade is abnormal while low-grade is more-or-less normal. Any patient who was found to have high-grade PIN after a prostate biopsy is at a significantly greater risk of having cancer cells in his prostate. Because of this, doctors will monitor him carefully and possibly carry out another biopsy later on.
Prostate’s epithelial cells and stromal cells are significantly increased in men. As their numbers and density increases, the prostate enlarges and puts pressure on the urethra – the canal through which urine flows. This pressure causes urination problems – including greater frequency and a lower flow rate. Pain can also result.
How Saw Palmetto Can Help Prostate Health?

Also known as American Dwarf Palm Tree, because of the height of this palm tree, Saw Palmetto grows in the southern eastern U.S. & California. Saw Palmetto shows great effect as a herbal medicine for prostate irritation & urinary frequency infection. Numerous studies has been carried out confirming it’s effectiveness on the same.
Saw Palmetto slows down the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme converts the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) — a sex steroid and androgen hormone. DHT is responsible for many male health problems such as loss in libido, an enlarged prostate and hair loss. Hence taking Saw Palmetto supplements help to control the basic reason behind prostate cancer & other male helath problems. Saw Palmetto has shown effect in controlling male hair loss by controlling the male harmone.

Zenith Nutrition Saw Palmetto Vegetarian Capsules Benefits:
- Treats an enlarged prostate by inhibiting testosterone binding to & stimulating the prostate cells that triggers the initial stage of Prostate Cancer.
- Prostate Cancer is risk reduced considerably. This is the most common medicine for prostate issues. It controls abnormal enlargement of cells hence prevent cancer.
- Controls male hair loss by balancing testosterone levels.
- Retains Testosterone levels by not letting testosterone getting converted into DHT. As a result you have better control over weight management, muscles, hair loss & overall health.
- Supports Urological system by straightening the urinary system in men and women specially during old age or in the case of kidney stone.

Priced at Rs. 1020 for 120 vegetarian capsules with a strength of 160mg each. Buy here.
Zenith Nutrition Saw Palmetto Vegetarian Capsules are free of flavor, color, smell, fish, lactose, gluten, sugar or salt. Only one capsule daily with meals will ensure great prostate health. If you are above 50 yrs old, you must start taking care of your prostate health before your urinary system develops any problems.
Disclaimer : This article is for information purpose only. the dietary supplement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Please consult your doctor before starting any kind of dietary supplements. The information has been gathered from various sources online.
Anjali Sengar
Nice piece of information..
Nisha Malik
Thanks Girl