His eyes questioning my eyes ‘Do you really need them’, and my eyes answering him back, ‘ Oh yes, I need to test them and let my friends know’ he sighed and gave up. I got Citra Pimple-Clear Face Wash enriched with Japanese Green Tea – the face wash claims to reduce & prevent pimples along with Citra Spot Less Fair Face Cream with Japanese Green Tea to reduce & prevent spots. Actually the two products looked like complementing each other, hence got them both. Citra is an organic brand from HUL, it’s answer to Patanjali natural range.
Citra Pimple-Clear Face Wash enriched with Japanese Green Tea

Sooth pimple prone skin with Japanese Green Tea. Green Tea is a great anti oxidant and it has ability to heal acne and reduce it. Regular usage of face wash will leave your face looking fairer, brighter & acne free.
Rs. 75 for 50gm.

The face wash comes in an inverted shiny opaque white tube with a flip top cap. The packaging looks really classy if you ask me. On the front, the opaque tube has white colored label which states the name of the product as well as displays Japanese Green Tea Leaves. at the back of the tube the ingredients and direction to use are mentioned. The 50gm packaging is very convenient to be carried in your handbag for travel purpose. The face wash also comes in a 100gm packaging. The packaging is also leak proof.

Fragrance & Texture
The fragrance of the face wash is bit herbal yet fresh. I like fresh fragrances, so no issues in this department. Texture wise the face wash is quite creamy. If you have used Pond’s face washes, you can relate to the texture. It feels ultra creamy and rich on the skin, but leaves skin matte and soft without any drying out my skin.

My Experience
A face wash stays on your skin for even less than a minute, so it is important that the face wash contains highly concentrated & potent ingredients to actually work on pimples. This face wash contains Japanese Green Tea, high in anti oxidants, which is great for skin health. Anti oxidants also fight with acne-genic bacteria and improves the appearance of blemishes. But it surely takes time.
I have been testing it for more than 2 weeks now & I would say it is a good face wash in terms of removing oil & dirt, specially during this monsoon season. It is creamy in texture and dissolves light makeup effectively clearing my face. I also love how it leaves my skin mattified without drying it out. As compared to Pond’s Pimple Clear Face Wash, this one leaves skin much softer. Actually Pond’s face washes mostly leave skin bit stretchy as I have experienced.
Coming to the long term effects, it helps to keep skin fresh and glowy with regular use. But my hormonal acne is something too strong for it to control. The green tea extracts really helps to sooth my skin when all flared up, but it does not help me with my existing acne or preventing new ones.

Peas size amount covers my face and neck, so it is going to last me quite long while I use it every morning. at night I follow up with my acne wash.
Overall, It is a nice face wash, gives skin a nice glow & freshness. I think it helps with tanning issues too, since it brightens skin tone with every use. Keeps skin matte even during this sticky season of monsoon. Does not dry out skin overly. It is affordable & economical. Sadly the face wash does not help with acne. I am not sure it is widely available yet.
Have you used this face wash? Have you used any product from this new organic brand? Leave your comments.
Snehalata jain
Yeah recently I came across this brand in tv, definitely will try once
Nisha Malik
Even I can’t stay away from newly launched brands, I always try them…
Minakshi bajpai
Heard about a little of this brand. Its quite good. And also a new content of Japanese green tea is in this brand makes it different from others.
Nisha Malik
Japanese Green Tea really attracted me towards the product. Liking it so far… 🙂
Ghazala Naseem
Nice and detailed review , Haven’t tried this product yet but seems good and is affordable 🙂
Nisha Malik
Thanks Ghazala 🙂
Papri Ganguly
Sounds like a promising product. My skin also miss behaving these days, will try it out then.
Nisha Malik
Hope it helps you 🙂
Snigdha Prusti
I found this face wash very decent… Due to the continuous weather changing my skin is behaving weird these days and I think I should give it a try…
Nisha Malik
Yeah it was a decent buy 🙂 I am liking it so far even though it does not help much with acne.
Anjali Sengar
Hi fi.. I also bought this one but pink version.. Your review making me too use it asap..
Nisha Malik
I was confused between the white and the pink version, chose the white since it claimed to reduce pimples 🙂
Nice review, will surely recommend this face wash & your blog to my wife.
Keep writing and inspiring.
Nisha Malik
Thanks 🙂
Priyadarshani Panda
Loved your honest review..This looks like an interesting new product will try this one as my skin is dry
Nisha Malik
Thanks Priyadarshani 🙂
Jiya B
The review looks good and the product looks promising. I do not have pimple issues but sometimes as weather changes one or two pops out of my forhead area. Please suggest will this help in that case as well.
Nisha Malik
It is not an acne wash for sure. If it’s due to just weather change, don’t worry, you skin will clear up pretty soon 🙂
Hey where do I buy this face wash from.. I think it will suit my oily skin
Nisha Malik
It’s not yet widely available yet , but you can try out your nearest supermarket personal care section 🙂
Zeba Noor
I never heard about this brand. Thanks for letting me know Nisha. Great review..this looks promising!!!!
Nisha Malik
It is a new Brand Zeba… Thanks for stopping by!!!
I am living in oblivion trust me, did not know about this brand. Glad I read your review, I like TEA TREE products as for my acne prone skin. will check this out for sure
Florah Jones
Thank you for the suggestion. I love everything about green tea and its associated products and I will definitely try this out. Acne has destroyed my forehead completely.
Nisha Malik
This product is quite mild to show difference to a troubled skin, but I hope it works for you!!
AKSHAY Kharadkar
I have small amount of Whiteheads can I use this face wash
Nisha Malik
Honestly Akshay, it did not work on my blocked pores, but just gave me soft & brighter complexion. It might work if you use it for a nice amount of time, since it contains Green Tea which is a superb anti oxidant to fight with zits.
AKSHAY Kharadkar
OK mam I will try this it is very standard and reputed brand…
Akshay Pratap Singh
Citra Face wash is use for men???
Plz tell me.
In my face some acne are found…
Nisha Malik
It is quite mild, while men’s skin demands more. Try out Nivea or Himalaya men range.