• How To Wear Collars With Short Neck Chubby Cheeks
    Fashion,  Guide,  LifeStyle

    How To You Wear Collars With A Round Face, Chubby Cheeks & Short Neck?

    Shirts and collared tunics look super appealing. A shirt is the most proffered apparel for semi formal to formal looks. But If you have chubby cheeks/full face or round face, collars might not look as flattering on you as you think. The problem worsens if your neck is short too. Sorry for bursting your bubble, but yes I found out this was true for me. I have chubby cheeks, a round face with short neck and heavy shoulder frame. Shirts, my most preferable attire for office, never flattered my face as much as it did my waistline back then. I never could figure out the reason why shirts never suit…

  • How to smell good down there
    Body Desires,  Guide,  Review

    How Do You Maintain Good Hygiene Down There? Ft. Everteen Natural Intimate Wash

    Personal hygiene is not limited to brushing your teeth, shampooing your hair or looking groomed. You must feel good about every part of your body. Feminine hygiene makes up a good part of your hygiene. I am sure you want to feel and smell good down there. But how could you maintain that hygiene while running errands or being a super woman. Is it something so big that you should be worried about? Yes, absolutely. If you are one of those lucky souls who has never faced any kind of feminine issues such as dryness, itchiness, white discharge, or the foul smell, even then you should start caring about it.…

  • Rozdhan App Review
    Guide,  LifeStyle,  Review

    How To Earn While Entertaining Yourself ft. Rozdhan App

    In this era of Internet, life is fast paced too. Every minute something is happening in some part of the world. Not to mention, how interesting the Lok  Sabha Chunav i.e. General  Election is getting day by day as elections are taking place all over India. So how do you keep yourself updated with all that information? Do you rely on TV, or any sort of news program that would run continuously for 24 hours repeating the same news? Here’s is what I do, I downloaded, Rozdhan app from Google play, and I don’t need to plug in to TV to get updates on the elections or any kind of…

  • Everteen Mentrual Cup, Usage, Side Effects
    Guide,  Health,  LifeStyle,  Review

    All About Menstrual Cups ft. Everteen Menstrual Cup

    Being a woman, Menstrual Cycle is an important and essential phase that you have to go through every month. Experiencing a normal flow, without pain signifies that you are healthy. But, the menstrual cycle, should not stop hamper your daily routine. There are numerous ways present to help you sail through your menstrual cycle. Sanitary pads are the most commonly used menstrual cycle aid, while Tampons and Menstrual Cups are relatively new to Indian women. Today we will talk about Menstrual Cup and related questions. What is Menstrual Cup? Menstrual Cup is a feminine hygiene product that needs to be inserted into the vagina during the menstrual cycle. It is…

  • Best Tunic Styles 2019
    Fashion,  Guide,  LifeStyle

    Best Tunic Styles To Watch Out For

    A Tunic is a versatile style. It does not need anything else to go with, but it can easily be incorporated with a pair of shorts/pants or skirt. There are very few styles that are as versatile as a tunic. I, usually, buy tunics online , and before buying one, I tend to visualize how I can use this piece in more than one way. And surprisingly, I could figure out more than 2 ways with every single piece just by looking at the picture. It’s not all my imagination, but it’s the flexibility of this style. Tunic – The Versatile Fashion Fashion is the right mix of comfort with…

  • Stellar Data Recovery Software
    Guide,  LifeStyle

    When To Use Data Erasure & Recovery Tools?

    Data Erasure and Recovery tools sound very technical and most of the people think, they are for techies. But that’s where they are wrong. Data Erasure and Recovery tools has very direct and practical usage in our day to day life. You are connected to internet all the time. You save your information, important documents,pictures, memories over your smart phone. Your device knows about where have been since you own the device. If a data breach happens, unthinkable can happen to you. What is Data Breach? How Can It Affect You As An Individual? Data access, without proper authorization, is termed as data breach. It’s mainly related to data security.…

  • Style Hacks To Look Expensive Everyday
    Fashion,  Guide,  LifeStyle

    How To Look Expensive On A Budget – The Indian Version

    I was watching a You tube video by a westerner, which had really nice tips on how to look expensive on a budget. But the video did not cater to Indian audience as a whole as we have a specific taste, environment and hotter season than the west. So I decided to sit down and tweak down the styling tips little bit so that they apply to us, the Indians 🙂 Before jumping into the writing wagon, I would like to tell you how much I adore Maharani Gayatri Devi, Princess Diana & Kate Middleton for the style and sheer grace they have. They are born with it. Now there…

  • Dark Secrets Of Beauty Industry

    6 Ways Cosmetic Companies Are Fooling You

    This is coming from a beauty and makeup addict. The billion zillion dollar-based cosmetic industry has some best kept dark secrets. The secrets that it does not want you to know. If you come to know these secrets, you would be able to make more informed decisions about a cosmetic product. So here I am writing about how cosmetic companies are fooling you. 1. Natural Skin Care Products are Not All Natural How many of you actually read the fine print on the products or the ingredients list of a product stating to be all-natural? Even if you read the ingredient list, do you ever try to decipher it? Every…

  • Life Insurance Settlement
    Guide,  LifeStyle

    Your Guide To Life Insurance Settlements

    ~~SPONSORED POST Taking a life insurance policy is one of the wisest decision of your life. It serves you even after you are gone. Money can’t replace you, but can surely aid your family members while you’re gone. I am not going to talk about why you should be taking up a life insurance policy or which brand is good. I am going to talk about Life Insurance Settlements, which is relatively a new term for us. Life Insurance Settlement A life insurance settlement is sale of a life insurance policy to an investor for an amount more than the policy’s cash surrender value but less than the death benefit or…