How are you liking the series? My main motive to start #thebasicsseries is to address some very small yet crucial queries about skin, hair & makeup. I started this series with night creams. I hope you liked the introduction to foundations. Now let’s move on to more details about the application of foundation.
How To Apply Foundation
Step 1- Moisturise
Very important step, especially if you are using a liquid or powder based foundation. Never forget to moisturize your skin. Other wise the foundation may look flaky or accentuate your dry spots or fine lines. For even looking face, you must moisturize your face. Dry skins should use a heavy duty moisturizer such as Cetaphil while oily skins can use as light as Clean n Clear Oil Free Moisturiser.
Also you can put your sunscreen at this step.
Step 2 – Prime
Primers are important. Primers give a smooth base to start off and keep you makeup intact for hours. They also create a layer between your skin and makeup so that your makeup does not react badly with your skin. NYX primers are my favourites.
Step 3 – Dot
Start applying the foundation by dotting your face with some foundation. Never start applying foundation with a lot of product. Always take pea size amount and build the coverage as you need.
Step 4 – Blend
Blending is the key to get a flawless base. You can blend using your fingers, sponge or a brush. Blend the foundation in circular motion to get a pore-less look. If you use straight storks the foundation may look chalky or uneven.
Step 5 – Set With Powder
You can apply blush/ bronzer and sculpt your face as you want. Now you need to set every thing with a translucent powder.
This step is mostly considered optional, but is rather an important step. Dab a little translucent powder over your foundation to keep it in place for longer. It will also prevent your skin to look oily. To apply the powder, only dab on your skin, don’t rub it otherwise you will ruin your base.
Need To Wear A Concealer?

A high coverage foundation leave little space of concealer. Still, if you must wear a concealer, consider few points.
- If you are going to wear a corrective concealer (orange, green or purple) wear it before your foundation.
- If you are going to wear regular concealer, you can wear it after wearing your foundation wherever required.
Read Maybelline Fit Me Concealer.
Fingers, Sponge Or Brush- What To Use?
I think it’s personal choice, and every type of technique has some pros and cons.

Blend Using Your Fingers
When you blend the foundation using your fingers, your fingers produce little warmth which make the foundation more blendable. But there might be some uneven blending due to uneven pressure applied on the skin. If you are using a heavy coverage foundation, blending with your hands may give cakey look.
Blend Using Sponge/Beauty Blender
Beauty Blenders are quite in these days. It’s because of the air finish look they give. You can apply any type of makeup with them and not just foundation. You can achieve full coverage with out looking fake. Before applying the foundation using a sponge, dip the sponge into water and squeeze the excess water out of it. Now take the product and apply. This way you will have more natural finish. Sponges eat a lot of product.
Blend Using A Brush
This is the most commonly used professional method of applying a foundation. You can either use a foundation brush, a stippling brush or any kabuki brush. A foundation brush can be used to achieve more coverage, while a stippling brush can give you an air brush look. Kabuki brushes are dense brushes with small handle mostly used to apply powder foundations. Keep the brushes clean. Do not share your brushes with someone else. Read makeup brush guide to know more about brushes.
Foundation With SPF
This is a very important thing to consider when you buy a foundation. Foundation is makeup, I generally don’t like foundations which contain SPF, but then there are very few foundations which do not contain some.
When your makeup contains SPF, it is likely to give some white cast even though you have chosen the closest colour/undertone. I find this issue with all the Lakme Foundtaions except Lakme Perfecting Liquid. If a foundation contain anything less than SPF 10, it is still okay to work with, but anything more than that, you just can’t escape the white cast.
When you should choose a foundation with SPF? When you mostly stay outdoor, you can opt for one. But if you are out constantly for long hours, then you must put a separate sunscreen at regular intervals.
If you are going to attend a party or wedding, it’s just not a good idea to use a foundation with SPF. It will only ruin your photographs. It will give you white cast.
Inglot makes really awesome foundations that are without SPF. If you wanna go for a budget friendly product, Maybelline Fit Me Foundation is great deal.
How to escape the white cast?
How to apply foundation without white cast? Dab little powder over your foundation which does not have any SPF and also is closest to your skin tone.This should tone down the white cast to great extent.
I conclude my post on foundations here. If I ever feel like I need to add few more things, I will come up with Volume 3 🙂
Take Care
Enjoy your weekend.