Hey dolls, hope you all are doing well… last lime I came with exercises to remove under eye wrinkles, after your responses I decided to write about all the facial exercise which are related to face problems like cheek lines, double chin, forehead lines and neck lines.
Time have a bad effect called aging and worst is when it happens early. Thanks god that there are some exercises to tackle this all. Here are some exercises which you can do if facing any of these problems. You can also do them if there is no aging as these are good for skin and keep your face in shape.
Exercises For Younger Face
1. Exercise for Chubby Cheeks

For this exercise close your mouth then blow some air under your upper lip, hold it for 10 seconds. Transfer air firstly in left cheek then towards right one. Keep that both positions for 10-10 seconds. Do it 10 to 15 times. It will lessen the chubbiness from from cheeks.
2. Exercise for double Chin
To get rid of that double chin try this exercise. Bend your head towards sky or ceiling. Close your lips tightly then hold position for 10-12 seconds. Relax now and repeat this 10-15 times. As this apply pressure on the chin muscles so make it thin.
3. Exercise for Neck Lines
For this, open your mouth as you are saying “Ahhh”. Now cover your teeth with lower lip and corners of lips. Lift the chin and move your head backwards. Now open and close the low jaw slowly. After this take a deep breath and relax. Repeat the same for 5-10 times. This will diminish the neck lines.
4. Exercise for tightening the Facial and Neck Muscles

This one is also known as “Lion pose” as per the words you have to make a lion face. First, Sit comfortably and inhale through your nose then exhale through your mouth (wide), stick your tongue out as a try to touch the chin. Then open the eyes wide by squeezing the muscles and make ‘ha’ sound. Now come to relax position and repeat it 3-5 times. This exercise helps to tone your facial and neck muscles.
5. Exercise for Smile lines
Make an ‘O’ shape with your mouth and hide the teeth by lips. Now smile wide keeping the teeth hide. Then holding the smile shape place the index finger on chin and start moving your jaw up & down. Come to relax position and repeat 2-4 times. This one will reduce smile lines and also lift the cheeks.
6. Exercise for reducing facial fat

I am sure you know it already but not about its benefits. To reduce the facial fat this very easy exercise is amazing. This is similar to the famous “fish pose” for selfies. In order to do the exercise, suck your cheeks in and the lips as themselves will go outwards. Make a smile while holding the position for 5 seconds. Repeat the same 10-15 times. This will not only reduces facial fat but also tone your cheek muscles.
7. Exercise to remove Forehead Lines

To make your forehead smooth you have to give the surprise look. Yes, so ladies get ready for surprise. Wide your eyes as wide as you can. Be in this position until your eyes start crying. It will also remove toxins from eyes. Repeat the same 3-6 times. This surprise look will give you strong forehead and eye muscles.
8. Exercise for neutral, smooth Face

This last one is very easy. For this exercise you have to paste “Buddha Face” on yours. Start it by saying ‘Om’, it will relax your mind. Now close your eyes and focus in between of your eyebrows by holding a slight smile. It helps to remove all the lines on your face and makes it glowing. You can do this one at long as you can. This will also give you mental peace.
These exercises will defiantly help to erase all the aging signs if you continuously do them. You can do these exercises even if you do not suffer from any of the above mentioned problems as these exercises will help your skin stay young for longer.
Hope you liked these exercises. Will be back soon with much more.
Also heck out my former posts on HOG:
Disclaimer: I do not own the images. (Image Credit- Google Images)
Avanti Singla
nice one… fish pout exercise is funny 🙂 😀
Nice one 🙂
Nisha Singh
i like the last one most.. its very easy & relaxing… i suggest it to everyone.
Sreeparna Ganguly
Nice post. Loved reading 🙂